A new nation of the oceans
to finance, coordinate and control
international climate protection.

What happend so fare:

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Version 3



Chaper 1: A Staat of the Ozeans

A massage for everybody to see

This concept describes the process towards an independent state of the oceans, with the aim of financing, coordinating and creating binding incentives for international climate protection. The historical name for such an organization is Atlantis: a new nation controlled by all other nations together, in a democratic and socially just manner.

The concept received the first great response in the Crop circle Rheinau from July 3, 2013, which clearly contained the coat of arms (the flag) for Atlantis. As a transparent message, that can be equally understandable by all of us. On this basis we could possibly receive assistance from outer space:

5 continents for mankind
1 continent for the Visitors
The oceans for the whales and dolphins

6 continent (dolphins) pushing though the oceans surface on Earth.

The challenge at the hour

Global warming is by now more advanced than forecasted only a few years ago. By the end of the decade, we will inevitably have exceeded the 1.5-Degree thresholds, the level that was actually planned to reach with at the point of climate neutrality in the year 2050.
But the problem cannot be measured in terms of CO2 emissions alone. The composition of the atmosphere has already changed significantly. The CO2 saturation of our air is already a third above normal. The associated greenhouse effect threatens to nullify the entire CO2 savings.

The efforts taken so far have not yet resulted in any significant change. The Paris Agreement shows us the way, but the measures are are far from sufficient. By now there is only hope in a fundamental change of your global system.

This is the story of how world politics has been planning such a new start behind closed doors since the summer of 2014 and it is the story about how humanity may find support from outside the planet - if it is not already too late for that.

Atlantis can bring a fundamental change our world and create a new balance towards nature. Before I go into more detail about the potential of a state of the oceans, I first come to speak about the background. Starting with an encounter with dolphins, than a swimming book with a significant dedication and finally a temple for Atlantis, which expresses the spiritual alignment of Atlantis.



Chapter 2: Background

An encounter with dolphins

The idea of Atlantis goes back to a dedication in my swimming book Swimming with wave movements - New swimming styles and a new turning technique (Originally: Schwimmen mit Wellenbewegungen – Neue Schwimmstile und eine neue Wendetechnik). The book found its origin in a memorable encounter with a dolphin school in the Red Sea in the summer of 1999.  

Giving everybody the same space (Peace chain under water)

The importance of being a person

During the unexpected encounter with dolphins, I properly asked: “Who are you?” After all I knew about dolphins, I couldn't be sure whether they have the limited intellectual potential of animals or whether they are equal to humans.

Apparently I was understood and in response the entire dolphins school performed an exactly arranged chain in font of me: giving everybody the same space. They also integrated their smiles one. After much deliberation, I came up with the idea of a chain of peace that we know as well.

I found the answer in the concept of being a “person”, which declares that we humans – if child or adult – are to define ourselves as persons and not primarily as humans (people), especially since this automatically implies the assumption standing at the forefront of evolution (Practical Ethics, Peter Singer). See Button: United Nations > Concept to the UN

The concept of being a person is in particular of significant importance for a first contact with aliens. It is actually a compelling basis, because only this guarantees that intelligent species in the universe acting differently are being respected equally, whether or not they fly with an UFO. The question here is, are we humans ready for such a step by now?

Swimming with undulations

In response to my memorable encounter with dolphins, at which numerous other people were present, I devoted myself intensively to the subject of swimming and to swim with undulations – just like the dolphins. It was the only way for me to keep on it. These efforts resulted in a swimming book published by a scientific publishing house for sports in Germany.

The book Swimming with Undulations describes the potential of swimming on the basis of undulations and defines the wave technique forwards and backwards. By doing so, I came to realize that today's human culture is not able to swim for example like Dolphins. The German language aria knows the swimming style "dolphin", but it is officially called butterfly and describes a synchronized crawl motion. Button: Wave Swimming

The dedication in my swimming book

In the end, I dedicated my book about “swimming like whales and dolphins” to the great vision of a State of the Oceans: by consequently implementing the concept of a person into politics. That way the idea of a new Atlantis was irrefutably published in January 2012.

A temple for Atlantis

After I finished working on my swimming book, I was surprisingly inspired by the idea of a temple for Atlantis. I went to work like there was no tomorrow and when my swimming book was finally printed, the main structures of the Temple of Atlantis were already defined. By doing so, I manifested the spiritual basics of the idea of Atlantis: the focus on common sense and a consistent focus of the efforts on behave of the oceans. Button: Temple for Atlantis

World religions in duty

In spring 2013 I took the courage to add a final spiritual dimension to the architecture of the temple, by bringing in my own experiences, namely three encounters with God. To my great surprise, the architecture was already perfectly aligned to it, without having planned it. Thus, the temple also speaks of bringing the world religions together and aligning them for the protection and preservation of our planet. The responsibility for our ecosystem cannot rest with our worldly leaders alone.

The missing logo

In May 2013 the architectural concept was completed within 6 pages. However, one important component was still missing, namely an appealing logo for Atlantis and with it a coat of arms (a flag) for the new State of the Oceans. Inevitably, the logo of the United Nations adorned the center of the temple, a fact that I increasingly felt discomfort with and I started looking for the more appropriate logo: it should be mystic and at the some how profound. I was most impossible mission and soon after starting I had to give up.

Then, in June 2013, less than two months later, a large crop circle appeared near me living area, the Crop circle Rheinau, which brought the pending puzzle piece along. Button: „Symbol“ > Document: Proving Atlantis



Chapter 3: Crop Circles for Atlantis

Visitors out of the galaxy

For thousands of years the Earth has been visited by “Visitors” from out of the galaxy and these visits have always been of a peaceful nature. They never posed an imminent threat. A circumstance that could change with a climate collapse, especially since we have to assume two sides of Visitors: the ones who are friendly to us and the others who are indifferent to us or even benefit from the situation of strict secrecy.

I had already given up hope for a reasonable logo for Atlantis, but then the Crop circle Rheinau appeared in Switzerland, in the night of July 3, 2013, not far from where I lived. It appeared right at the border to Germany and it was an event that changed the whole situation.

Crop circle Rheinau from July 3, 2013

The contour of dolphins only defined by circles.  

An irregularity in symmetry

The Crop circle Rheinau is definitely not made by human hands and stands clearly in the context of Atlantis. Proof of the authenticity of crop circles in Switzerland can be found in the previous Crop circle Thalheim in the year2004, when people saw lights in the sky independently of each other. The concrete proof here lies in the fact that the eras were not kinked, but curved, as if they had lost their stability for a moment. Above all, they were perfectly aligned.

A "mistake" in the symmetry leads to the creators of the crop circle

Experts agreed: it was an extraordinarily mysterious crop circle, which is characterized by a lack of symmetry. And added up there, the key to the addressee is hidden. As a rationally oriented person, I took quite a while to recognize without a doubt that the crop circle brought the outstanding symbol for the temple and a coat of arms for Atlantis. I was extremely irritated to see myself confronted with a real crop circle at all: at first I didn't even recognize the symbolic dolphins – without dorsal fin –, neither the clue to the hidden addressee).

And here's the key of understanding: 1. Dolphins need an ocean-planet and 2. Humans-like-people and dolphins belong together, where ever.

A second crop circle for the sixth anniversary

Exactly six years after the Crop circle Rheinau a new crop circle appeared in the night to first of July 2019, near the small village Büren at the River Aare in Switzerland. And it was communicated in the newspapers on July 3, exactly on the weighty 6-year anniversary of the Crop circle Rheinau. A 6-year-period is due to the 6-part symbol representing the 6 continents. On this date, the starting shot of Atlantis should have been given.

The decisive message of this new crop circle is not to be found in the logo itself, but the place and the time. I stayed without a doubt nearby only days before the arriving. Therefore the new crop circle can be clearly related to Atlantis too. Button: „Symbol“ > Document: Crop Circle Büren

Preparing a possible first contact

Atlantis could foresee a successful first contact, because it is obvious that the UN is not the right partner institution, at least not as long as it is under the yoke of the veto regulation. We humans are looking for status quo and not progress; it is the problem of an entire Earth generation - and I find it nothing more than sad, how the political and economic leaders of my generation deal with their global responsibility: It is the reason, why the climate change could get that far during such a short period of time.

Such an attitude is not in demand in our Galaxy, neither in the whole Universe. And soon it will be too late for a successful first contact, because a human species with a ruined planet is hardly bearable from a galactic point of view.



Chapter 4: Saving our Climate

A global approach to a global challenge

Global warming is a global challenge. It cannot be that one nation restricts itself, while other nations step back from their responsibility obtaining profit. Therefore only a global solution with binding structure can create guarantees, one in which the main responsibility does not lie with in political establishment in permanent change. Especially populist politics poisons this plant – and kills God.

The solutions to reduce global warming have be predefined to a large extent. What we need is moral and legal pressure, as well as sufficient financial resources. It is the only path into a promising future.

A option with no true alternative

A state of the oceans means climate management on an international level: a professional pool of knowledge, within an international network, connected with active support where needed. Since Atlantis cannot claim to take power-politically role, it can only work, if the participating countries agree on unified targets and interim targets to reduce CO2 emissions.

A true alternative to the idea of Atlantis would only be a global CO2 tax – at the intention of a strong and reliable organization, not existing at his point in time. This could help regulation the CO2 emissions even more. But such a path would affect the national sovereignty and proved to be impractical year ago. There for, anything else than the call for Atlantis is nothing more than a bad compromise.

It can’t be up on me to define, how a state of oceans could possibly work. Here, I just outline thoughts for a better understanding:

Seeking for socially fair solutions:

Anyone and anything using the territories of the oceans by boat or plane should be asked to pay, in the form of duties and taxes and taxes for resources from out of the seas - depending on the economic strength, the geopolitical location of a country and the conditions of the oceans. Those who do not want this can mostly avoid it by consuming local products.

This is generally not a bad thing: it leads to a regionalization of the markets and it makes us more crisis-proof, comparable to protective duties for cheap imports, for example from Asian countries, in order to protect the domestic markets, only that these taxes would benefit the climate and the oceans. Sophisticated algorithms may guarantee, that no state will be overburdened due to its geographical or economic situation.

Creating incentives:

On the basis of binding goals and milestones, Atlantis can pave the way to CO2 neutrality. Advantageous conditions may apply to those countries complying their savings targets. In return, the countries lagging behind can be given a helping hand. This is the only way to guarantee that the climate targets will be achieved in the foreseeable future: in the interest of everyone alive or to come.

Saving the climate is expensive:

IIn the year 2017 the UN calculated that a State of the Oceans would be worth more than the whole USA, the largest economy on Earth at that time. This would be necessary, especially since it will be very costly to stabilize the climate. A rudimentary overview:

Taking moral and professional responsibility:

Through education and prevention on the subject of climate protection and the protection of the seas, as the source of food for all of us, Atlantis would accept moral and professional responsibility.

Even without international consens:

A big difference between the Paris Agreement and the idea of Atlantis is the fact that a State of the oceans does not necessarily have to be supported by all states at the beginning. Even now not all nations are formally accepted by all other members of the UN.
Even more, in terms of the flow of goods, it makes no difference to ask for import or export duties. This way all other nations would want to give in sooner or later. Of course, such an action would be drastic, but the goal is to get a drastic problem under control here, and as soon as possible.

As I already mentioned, it is not my role to define, how Atlantis could ultimately be organized. However, the fact that the idea of Atlantis makes sense is proven by the wide international response – a respond remaining secret out of comprehensive reasons, but for too long by now.



Chapter 5: The Protagonists

A compilation of the involved actors and key moments in the process towards Atlantis:



This extensive chapter

is only integratat into the PDF document above.



The idea of Atlantis has long since reached all decisive authorities, but not public. A fact that has dragged on for years now, while global warming is getting obviously out of control. Not to forget: “One cannot not communicate”, it still is a form of communication (Paul Watzlawick).



Chapter 6: Future prospects

A new level

The Crop circle Rheinau has inevitably raised the idea of Atlantis to a new level. This brought advantages but also disadvantages. The current problem does not only lie with the obligations that some countries want to avoid in behave of climate protection. The current problem lies with those instances that are still unwilling to admit the contact with extraterrestrials, a circumstance that is obvious by now. See (below): Recommended literatur

This paralyzes the entire process around Atlantis and will ultimately lead us to genocide. We still fail to recognize the great danger that the earth faces in the future. Ultimately, our planet will end up like our neighboring planet Mars, only that we will be personally responsible for it. At that point no big UFO will be waiting for us, leading us a better planet – they all are known and belong to somebody else.

Climate protection demands for a high level of moral pressure and professional responsibility. The idea of Atlantis is with the international community for seven years now, our world leaders would just have to reach for it: Binding structures, sufficient resources and a strong organization able to bring an change. The governments could even save money that way.

My hands were bound

I received no support whatsoever and was unable to make the step into public. Not only because of the fantastic character of the idea, but because of everything that came along. Too little people take the subject of alien seriously and I can’t blame them. I put hope in politics and let them follow their reasonability. Then came the disillusionment, over and over again.

My personal hope lies in a successful first contact. I made myself strong for that in the background – because it suited my role. Alternatively, it could also suffice, if the suppressed technologies for energy generation would be released. Literatur: Dr. Steven Greer

The political processes are still going on, but I can no longer remain silent, especially since I can no longer assume that secrecy will lead to the right path.

And in case someone in the future should ask:
„Hey, why does our planet have to ground?"

The answer can only be: “This here, than was it!
This was the last constellation,
that could have turned things to good



August 3, 2021 (with updates)


Recommended literatur:

- Dr. Steven Greer; Unacknowledged – An Expose Of The World's Greatest Secret – We’re not alone; 2017
- Lens Kasten; Dark Fleet – The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System; 2020
- Michael E. Salla; Antarktis – Die Verbotene Wahrheit; 2018


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