In July 2014, one year after the crop circle Rheinau,
I was ready to inform the

With a concept based on an encounter with dophines
in the Red Sea and the Crop circle Rheinau.

– Read the orignal PDF concept. –

Short and adapted version of the concept to the UN:




Ralph Ritzmann 
June 2014

The change of climate is out of control by now. On earth we risk a climate collapse, a rise of temperature up to 10 degrees Celsius. The biodiversity on land and in the water will be endangered generally. The face of the plant will no longer be the way we used to know it.
To following generations we are to leave an inheritance not to be corrected any more. And we don’t even seem to care. A change of thinking can only take place in near future. Confronted with the greatest challenge in time, we have to realize that global solutions are rare. Maybe only one idea has the potential for fundamental changes:

Caretaker and protector of the oceans resources;
for now and for future generations
Therefore it is essential to stop the global warming.

Atlantis, as an independent state of the oceans habitants, depending on the UN und the participating countries, would be a promise to mankind to advance the international climate protection and to counter the heating of our atmosphere.
Atlantis would be free of charge for the participating countries. Instead Atlantis as an independent state could tax the global trade (or even ask for a global carbonate tax instead). The oceans would no longer be lawless territory and also the North Pole could have a responsible origin.
Atlantis – State of Oceans is a hopeful gate into a new future. A future showing respect for the diversity of life: the creation of God.

In the name of the whales and dolphins

It all began with a memorable encounter with a group of dolphins. It was in May 1999 in the Red Sea. From the dolphins I wanted to know, who or what they where? There answer was a symbolic act at the end of the encounter:

It was a chain with up to 40 bottlenose dolphins: the entire “school”. There action was well planned and coordinated precisely. I seem to be a message to receive and to communicate further on.

The dolphins probably demonstrated an order in their group and their central social values. The same space is due to every member in the group. A message comparable with the basic statements of the human rights: „… that all men are created equal.“

Another interpretation of the dolphin’s intention goes back to a symbolic act, which is well known to all of us. It is a strong and peaceful statement. Only person in great need fall back on the symbol of a Baltic chain – the chain for freedom.


An encounter that produced fruits 

The encounter with the dolphins in the Red Sea produced fruits. It was the starting point for a fundamental development concerning swimming techniques. Years later I published a specialised book in Germany, where swimming with wave motions (undulations) is described as a new way to swim. A small step for mankind in evolution, copied from nature.
It may surprise, but so fare we are not able to swim with undulations in a proper way – like the dolphins for example. Now the focus lies on an additional basic swimming technique and two new swimming styles: Wave and Wave backwards, the two noblest ways to swim – also for the Olympic games of the future.

Swimming with Undulations –
New swimming stiles and a new turning technique

Ralph Ritzmann
Publisher: Prof. Dr. Herbert Haag MS (Kiel), Dr. Christian Kröger (Kiel),
Prof. Dr. Klaus Roth (Heidelberg), Sportverlag Karl Hofmann, Schorndorf 2012  


A significant dedication

A significant dedication as a foreword into the basics of swimming with wave motions, on page 7:

We are not the only one

40 million years ago the first whale found stoned sophisticated life in the oceans. Only about two million years ago the determining development into Homo sapiens began.
On earth two highly specified cultures have emerged, formed by the specific conditions oft their environment: an obvious one on land and a more hidden one under water.
So fare we shared the oceans in a quite peaceful manner. Now with the modernisation of our society and the consequences out of the globalisation things have changed. The biodiversity under water is threatened and thereby the future of the whales and dolphins.

The oceans are endangered by four factors caused by mankind:
1. The heating of the oceans
2. The aquatic acidification
3. The increasing pressure on coastal regions.
4. The overfishing

In the near future the results will be fatal. Intelligent life in the oceans and rivers is to become a first victim of a combined, global threat. The oceans, the weather and the climate play together directly. 
With the whales and dolphins we share a blue planet in great need. In the interest of everyone the new contents in swimming stand for a new definition of world peace and for a new state of the oceans.

Atlantis – State of Oceans


A world united

The unexpected end of the coral reef Blue Bay gave me an understanding of the immediate and irreparable consequences of a progressive global heating. Counting rationally we will definitely cross the critical two degrees Celsius barrier: the PSR, the point of safe return. I also carry my portion of guilt, in a global process hardly to be corrected. Only a miracle might help us out of this desperate situation: for example a so fare unthinkable Terra-forming-project.
By designing my autobiography I requested the extraterrestrials on earth for assistance to saving the planets climate. As an equivalent I announced to them the Antarctic. (An announcement only to be made by proving the will of God.) Five weeks later a big and unusual crop circle appeared near my place of living. It was the first huge crop circle in Switzerland with a diameter of more than 80 metres:

Crop circle Rheinau
Rheinau, Switzerland: created on 3ed of July 2013.

On the three segments I recognise smiling lips, promising a peaceful intention. Also I see two dolphins bow down respectfully in front of each other.
On the outline contour I recognise six continents breaking through the oceans surface, carried on the shoulders of the dolphins (five for mankind and one for the visitors?). At last I see one big heart reaching from the bottom of the ocean up into the sky, honouring the creation of God and standing for a united change of thinking.

The universal language of geometrics,
also showing the sender.


Raising Atlantis

The crop circle Rheinau, as the indicated flag for Atlantis, brought the last substantial piece of a puzzle together, for an idea that developed together with the swimming book: a temple for Atlantis. There the sign from Rheinau symbolises a new beginning and a new year “One” for the Atlantis-standard-time.  

Raising a temple for Atlantis would be a strong statement to mankind. There should be a symbolic gate between two sides of one world and the sign of the crop circle, pointing into the sky. Surrounded by a peaceful place, where hope will find a new home.
Atlantis, as an independent state of the oceans habitants, offers strong answers to urgent global challenges. Not only for mankind, as it seems. A realistic hope for the climate of future – to preserve the planets surface the way we used to know it.

Everything needed would be a united “Yes".