Earth Overshoot Day 2022: July 28



Australia Brasil Germany Thayland Japan Sour.
Carbon dioxide emissions
per capita in tones 2018
16,08 16,77 2,37 9,15 4,06 9,42 1
Country Rating
((negativ ranking out of 182)
14 12 95 28 70 26
Primary consumption of
crude oil worldwide 2016
2,5% 1,0% 2,2% 2,4% 0,9% 3,4% 2
Country Rating
(negativ ranking out of 50)
6 17 8 7 20 5
Renewable electricity
production 2016
65,0% 14,5% 80,4% 46,2% 13,1% 15,0% 3
Climate Change
Performance Index 2020
31,01 30,75 47,01 55,78 46,76 39,03 4
Country Rating
(positiv / out of 61)
55 56 32 23 33 51
Ecological footprint
global hectare (gha) 2012
8,17 9.31 3,31 5,30 2,66 5,02 5
Contractual partner
Agreement of Paris
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  
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